TikTok is a great platform for finding your community. TikTok offers the potential to go “crazy viral” and become an instant instant sensation. Plus, it feels like there’s an audience for every niche, from athletics to egg cracking, archery, naming plants, rapping books, and a million other creative things.

But what happens if you want to get your TikTok followers to Instagram or another platform? Importantly, what if TikTok gets banned in the US? The risk of losing your audience is high. YOU don’t own your social media audiences, the platforms do. That’s why it’s important to diversify your audience across platforms (and/or build an email list).

This post will share several ways to get your TikTok followers to follow you on Instagram because Instagram Reels are a LOT like TikToks. However, you can apply these tactics to any platforms.

I used to have 6x as many followers on TikTok than Instagram, and half of my NIL revenue came from TikTok. But getting people to stop their doom scrolling, navigate to Instagram, and follow is HARD. The best way to do this is to REWARD TikTokers for checking out your Instagram.

woman using smartphone

4 easy ways to get your TikTok followers to Instagram

1. Share behind-the-scenes content

You can post a behind-the-scenes TikTok and tell viewers the results are posted on Instagram. There are a million possible opportunities. Just be sure to create content that matches your brand! For example, show you preparing for a game or competition, then post a highlight Reel on Instagram.

You could also try the reverse. Post the results on TikTok, and tell viewers the behind-the-scenes content is . This method works best for videos that prompt the question, “HOW did they make/do that?”

2. Design a giveaway

You could consult your TikTok followers to design an awesome giveaway contest, then actually administer the giveaway on Instagram. This method engages your audience in the planning process (which people love to participate in), and it ensures you create a giveaway your fans actually want. Just be sure to keep your TikTok followers updated on the giveaway timeline, and consider posting multiple reminders to enter the giveaway on Instagram (via TikTok videos, stories, or captions).

clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan

3. Create a teaser

You can post an engaging teaser on TikTok, and share the full video on Instagram. You’ll want to make sure the video is suspenseful and makes people feel the NEED to see the end! Your goal is to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) if they don’t navigate to your Instagram and watch the rest.

4. Ask for DMs

There are a ton of ways to go about this strategy. You can simply tell people the best way to reach you is via Instagram DM and that your DMs are always open! For best results, give people a specific prompt or topic to discuss.

For example, you can share a TikTok answering a popular question you get asked (like how you overcome nerves before a game). Then, generously tell viewers they’re welcome to DM your questions on Instagram if they’re struggling with the same thing. You can truly make genuine connections this way!

Post on IG too

Try each of these options to see which method provides the greatest boost to your Instagram following.

Most importantly, post similar content on Instagram Reels. You’ll naturally start attracting a big audience on Instagram too, especially since Instagram recently has captured a little bit of TikTok’s virality magic. Consistently posting Reels with trending audio is the best way to grow on Instagram. Keep engaging with your audiences, and you’ll start to gain loyal fans that love YOU, not just your TikToks!

Read more about growing your Instagram audience.

How would a potential TikTok ban impact NIL?

Check out my interview with NBC in March 2023.

Hoping to get brand sponsorships on Instagram? Read more about how to get NIL deals on Instagram.