This article explains the process of NIL deals from start to finish, so you can get a better understanding of how NIL deals work. Here are the 5 steps to a successful NIL deal…

  1. Connect with a brand
  2. Discuss NIL deal details
  3. Sign the contract
  4. Implement the deal
  5. Follow up & get paid

Step 1: Connect with a brand

There are 4 general methods to getting in contact with a brand.

Someone reaches out to you.

Brands often reach out via email or social media direct messages. Sometimes, a brand representative may contact you directly. Other times, someone from an influencer marketing agency will reach out. Their job is to hire influencers on the brand’s behalf and organize a campaign, and they will be your main point of contact for the NIL deal.

To make it easy for people to reach you, place an email address you’ll use for NIL deals in your social media bio. If you have an agent, place your agent’s email in your profile.

If you ever receive an email from an address that ends in or another generic provider, the offer is most likely a scam. Read more about dangerous NIL scams to avoid.

You pitch to a brand.

Pitching a brand simply means reaching out to express an interest in working together. Pitching is the best way to work with brands you’re genuinely interested in partnering with.

Pitching often occurs via email or social media direct message, and the biggest challenge to overcome is getting responses from brands.

To grab easy pitch templates and learn more about the pitching process, check out this article.

Focused blogger working on project at home

Use an NIL marketplace or influencer platform.

NIL marketplaces are designed to connect athletes with brands. These websites typically list specific campaigns you can apply for through the platform. You’ll hear back if the brand wants to work with you.

Marketplaces are an easy place to start looking for NIL deals. Here are some of our favorite marketplaces to sign up for. They’re all free!

NIL marketplaces made for athletes

Marketplace benefits

  1. Marketplaces make it easy to get in touch with brands
  2. Marketplaces only show brands that are actively seeking athletes to work with

Marketplace drawbacks

  1. Marketplaces may not have campaigns you are interested in.
  2. You might face a lot of direct competition from other influencers applying to work with the brands. Brands might simply choose to work with athletes who have the most followers at the lowest rates
  3. Most NIL deals happen separately from marketplaces

Let an agent pitch for you.

Make sure that your agent has a good understanding of your lifestyle, interests, and values, so they can find fitting campaigns. If you have more than 50,000 social media followers and/or are a true star athlete, it may be time to start thinking about if an agent can help you out. Make sure you ask these questions before you sign though.

man sitting beside white wooden table

Step 2: Discuss NIL deal details

Once you’ve connected with the brand you’re interested in exploring partnership opportunities with, you’ll be ready to nail down the deal details. You should always understand the full deal details of a deal before committing to it. Ask questions about anything that is unclear!

Typically over email or a phone call, you’ll discuss the deal…

  1. Deliverables: what you’ll do for the brand. NIL deal deliverables often include social media posts, in-person or media appearances, and/or content shoots.
  2. Timeline: when you’ll need to complete the deliverables.
  3. Compensation: what you’ll get in exchange for signing the deal. Money, free products, and more.
  4. Other details relevant to your specific NIL deal

Sometimes, brands will send already-established campaign guidelines that outline deliverables along with a compensation offer. For most larger deals, you’ll spend time negotiating the terms and compensation of the deal.

For tips on negotiating NIL deals (plus emails to copy and paste), check out this article.

We also built a quiz to help you decide if saying “yes” an NIL deal is a good idea for your long-term success. Check it out here.

person writing on white paper

Step 3: Sign the Contract

Once you have expressed your interest in participating in the deal, you’ll sign a contract to put it in writing. Contracts are legally binding, so you’ll want to read the contract carefully.

Make sure the deliverables, timeline, and compensation line up with everything you discussed with the brand. Check each section of the contract and make sure you are comfortable with the terms.

A few specific items to look out for include:

  1. Exclusivity terms: are you prohibited from working with competitors? For how long?
  2. Usage rights: does the brand have the right to use any content you create for them? On what channels? For how long?
  3. Termination: how would you or the brand get out of the deal if necessary?
  4. The deal end date: current NIL regulations state that the deal cannot extend past your NCAA eligibility.

Negotiate any terms that you’re not comfortable with. Negotiation ends when you SIGN the contract, not when you see it for the first time!

It’s always a good idea to have a trusted agent or attorney review the deal before signing it.

Step 4: Implement the deal

During this step, you’ll complete the deliverables.

Every NIL deal is different and activities vary vastly across deals. Most often, NIL deals involve creating and posting social media content. Some deals may include events, media appearances, photo or video shoots, and more!

Be sure to stay in contact with the brand throughout the process. Give the deal your best effort and have fun!

person holding camera

Step 5: Follow Up

Get paid

Some NIL deals include signing bonuses or periodic payments. In most deals, you’ll get paid after the deal deliverables are completed. Your contract will include all important payment dates and terms.

For example “Net 30” means the brand has 30 days to pay once the deal deliverables are completed.

Payment is often completed via direct deposit, mailed check, direct deposit, via Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, or another online payment merchant. Sometimes, you’ll need to write an invoice, and the brand can inform you of the invoice format.

If the payment date listed in your contract is approaching and you haven’t heard from the brand, be sure to send a friendly check-in. Finally, keep track of your income for your personal finances and taxes.

Evaluate deal performance

After the deal is over, the brand will analyze how it went. For example, the company will want to see analytics of any social media posts. Be sure to send

You should also evaluate how YOU think the deal went. Assessing the process can help drive successful NIL efforts moving forward. Ask yourself…

  1. What went well?
  2. What could have gone better?
  3. Did you enjoy working with the brand?
  4. Did the deal resonate with your online/university community?
  5. Did the compensation feel fair for the amount of work you actually did?

Then, thank the brand and discuss the next steps. Sending a note of gratitude at the end of the deal goes a long way toward building positive business relationships. Protect your reputation as an athlete who is compassionate and great to work with. Plus, it feels good to share some gratitude!

Review the deal:

Finally, review the deal on NIL Island! We have a simple rating system that lets other athletes see what it’s like to work with specific brands.

Your reviews are 100% anonymous. Contribute to NIL transparency by sharing your experience!

You Got This.

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